Enhance the EMT-Basic's ability to evaluate a scene for potential hazards, determine
by the number of patients if additional help is necessary, and evaluate mechanism of
injury or nature of illness. This lesson draws on the knowledge of Lesson 1-2.
Provides the knowledge and skills to properly perform the initial assessment. In this
session, the student will learn about forming a general impression, determining
responsiveness, assessment of the airway, breathing and circulation. Students will
also discuss how to determine priorities of patient care.
Describes and demonstrates the method of assessing patients' traumatic injuries. A
rapid approach to the trauma patient will be the focus of this lesson.
Describes and demonstrates the method of assessing patients with medical complaints
or signs and symptoms. This lesson will also serve as an introduction to the care of
the medical patient.
Teaches the knowledge and skills required to continue the assessment and treatment
of the patient.
Stresses the importance of trending, recording changes in the patient's condition, and
reassessment of interventions to assure appropriate care.
Discusses the components of a communication system, radio communications,
communication with medical direction, verbal communication, interpersonal
communication, and quality improvement.
Lesson 3-8 Documentation
Assists the EMT-Basic in understanding the components of the written report, special
considerations regarding patient refusal, the legal implications of the report, and
special reporting situations. Reports are an important aspect of prehospital care. This
skill will be integrated into all student practices.
Lesson 3-9 Practical Skills Lab: Patient Assessment
Integrates the knowledge and skills learned thus far to assure that the student has the
knowledge and skills of assessment necessary to continue with the management of
patients with medical complaints and traumatic injuries.
Lesson 3-10 Evaluation: Patient Assessment Module
Conduct written and skills evaluation to determine the student's level of achievement of
the cognitive, psychomotor and affective objectives from this module of instruction.
EMT lesson plans are taken from the national registry.